Sunday, May 21, 2006

Picnic pictures

Well, I'll be. If you click on "My Albums" right down there, it takes you to the pictures. Cool.

If you're not getting the emails, we had a good time. We love June's grandson. We love Kenny. We'll do this again next year.

AOL Pictures - My Albums

Friday, May 12, 2006

They ought to let me email this site

I just spend an hour in WalMart looking for three things...they moved the salt twice while I was there.
    HOWEVER. We are in business. We have chickens and Boston Butts and beans. A loaf of white bread. Paper plates, paper towels and charcoal. Stuff. I shanghaied some help with the fire in the morning so if there's any justice, we can put the chickens on at noon. It may be a little cool so bring extra clothes. We usually build a fire, anyway. (Luckily, a tree blew down in Melanie's yard a couple of years ago and when no one helped her move it, she and I took an electric chainsaw and cut up most of it. The logs are between six inches and three feet long, but we cut up that tree. Turned out to be...pig iron hickory? Some sort of championship barbecuing wood and we're burning it for heat. Oh, well.)
    Bring ice.
    White sauce. I forgot to get Jo Lynn to make white sauce. Can someone make or bring some?
    Directions again...From Florence on Hwy 72, take the first right past Brooks High School (CR31). Take the first right off CR31 (I don't think there's a sign). First house on the right. Follow the dirt road down to the branch. If you are in a smallish car and don't want to drive down there, call 710-1177 and someone will come up and get you. Coach Smith if you'd like. I forgot.
    Everybody else...if there's someone you know we haven't contacted, feel free to call them.
    Off to spray for bugs. And poison ivy. See you tomorrow!