Friday, April 30, 2004

Oh, people, where has the time gone?

I was talking to Randy Harden and instructions say "Turn across from Outpost 72." If you haven't been home in a while, or don't get out this way when you do, let me clarify myself:

Go to where Leonard Loveless's USED to be. It is now a trendy BBQ place that sells $37 cakes (the Italian Cream is heaven). People come from 100 miles around to buy the cheesecakes. It's called Outpost 72. The rest of the instructions stand...I don't think the scenery has changed much in 30 years except that where Mitchell's lake lot was? With the steep up and down hills that most cars couldn't climb? There are now three-story half-million dollar houses built into the hillside down there. Go figure.

Louise Loveless died a couple of years ago, and Leonard and Donnie are in nursing homes. Remember how much Donnie loved pumping gas? "You want gas?" and if you weren't from around here you didn't know what he was saying. They had oatmeal cookies in these big round glass jars with metal tops. They tasted like Archways do now but they were better because they were in those jars. I have looked all over the Southeast for one of those jars and if you ever find one, buy it for me.

Last summer I needed a belt for my tiller on a weekend and for some reason drove to Rogersville. They sent me north towards Anderson to this store on the right that, I promise, hasn't changed in 50 years. And while I'm in there, three men came in and ordered lunch...two had bologna and cheese sliced and wrapped in white paper and the other...I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP...ordered a souse meat sandwich. I did not know there was still such a THING as souse meat, much less that you could walk into a business and order a sandwich made of such. Or that you'd want to.

Remembering Leonard's is what made me think of that.

Tony Hendon and I each have 4 year old's, and he's going to help me set up at the branch Thursday and Friday. My cell phone number is 710-1177 and if you need anything Friday, like directions, call me. It also helps if a couple of people pick up ice on their way down there...I always run out.

It is amazing how easy technology has made this reunion...we've heard from people we haven't talked to in years. Can't wait to see you all.

Thursday, April 29, 2004


It appears that most of you HAVE sent in your reservations. And I didn't know it. WHY? Because the reunion secretary is lying on the beach in JAMAICA, probably sipping one of those pansy drinks with little umbrellas in it. Enjoying herself. With no children.

So, thank you to all you concientious 99%'s who did what you were supposed to do. Now I think I'll go get my card off the refrigerator like I said I was going to do YESTERDAY and send it in.

(Just realized this doesn't make sense if you're not on the email list because I sent out an email chastizing everyone for not sending in their reservations. Only, I was wrong. (If you don't know who Ron White is, that's not funny.) OH! Sometime this week the counter went over ONE THOUSAND! Who'd a thunk it?)

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Getting my ducks in a row...

Friday night at the branch at my parent's...we're doing whole chickens on the big grill. If it's convenient bring a side dish, and bring drinks for your family. Wear old, comfortable clothes, this is outside and the facilities consist of trees and bushes. Oh, and this is sort of "Open" night. Extra guests are welcome...brothers and sisters who we ran around with, parents and kids, buddies...the more the merrier.

Saturday night put on your clean clothes and be at Dale's at six...we've allowed time to TALK. We should order around seven. I've found a DJ and tried to explain to him about 70's music but I don't know...he acts like these songs are OLDIES or something. Bring your cameras and any memorabilia you can find...I'm still waiting on pictures from the prom!!!

See you all next week.

I just love good news!

Remember, Randy Burbank was supposed to lead a spiritual retreat next weekend? And I wondered if it was sacrilege to wish for a change of plans? This is too cool also because if I'm not mistaken, Randy's Dad was pastor at Center Star, too.

Good morning Amy,   I know I said I couldn't make it, but I am going to be there--and for once, I have already sent my reservations in to Shelaine.  I don't know if I've said it, but thanks for working so hard to get this together.  Really looking forward to seeing everyone.  Oh, by the way, did I tell you that I'm moving this June?  Guess where?  As of June 16, I'll be the pastor at Center Star & Elgin United Methodist Churches!  Take care, and see you May 8   Randy

Monday, April 26, 2004

The Weekend

The Friday night party at Trousdale Branch...

(I added two pictures after the first post...they're from Labor Day last year. One is Mike Frye in the swimming hole and the other is all of us at the waterfall...I think that's George McPeters standing on the right, Mike and Martha Frye are in there as is George's wife, Ann, and Robbie and Mary. It will be a little colder than that now!)

This is a shot from the branch last can only see a tiny bit of the other side of the water but it's gorgeous down there now. Friday, May 7 we are meeting at Trousdale Branch at my parent's (South on CR31/Belview Road across from Outpost 73. Right on CR 171. First house on the right, in the curve. Drive straight down the dirt road if you are in a regular car; stop in the yard and call 710-1177 if your vehicle has ever been featured in Car & Driver) at around six o'clock...some of us will be there all afternoon so just come whenever. Saturday night at Dale's, social hour starts at six and we have learned we NEED this so we can talk first and eat later.

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Send me prom pictures!

My mother says she can't believe I don't remember the fountain. She thinks we had nearly $10K in magazine sales to sponsor the prom because (and I didn't remember this) the juniors did the prom for the seniors. She says we had the coolest prom anyone had ever one had ever done anything like the fountain before. I have faded pictures of people, but none of the fountain. Are they out there? Email me or mail them to Amy Cruce, 46 Hanson, Killen AL 35645 and I'll scan them and send them back to you.

(Someone asked me the other day, what's 46 Hanson? Street? Drive? Lane? It's Boulevard. Boulevard. In Center Star Alabama we have a boulevard which consists of a dead end street with ten houses. Boulevard. So I just leave it blank whenever possible.)

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Someone's fixin' to get a lickin'...

...I am sending invitations to Virginia and Harlan Hill, Glenda Redding, Kaye McCabe, Edna and Lloyd McPeters, Donald Behel, Bill Dean, Mike Lewey, Roger Howard, Glenda Weir, Wanda Phillips, Naomi Flurry, Odie Mae Garrett (we saw her at Mr. McCabe's funeral and she was so glad to see us!), the Pettuses and Coach Smith.

If you know of anyone I've missed let me know.

It has been brought to my attention...

...that I'm getting a little tardy with the posts. Truth be told, I'm running out of material! I didn't have that many pictures to begin with and half of them aren't recognizable any more...funny what 30 years can do to photo paper.

So I'm posting this picture...none of these people ever married so it's not like they were ever divorced! The back says it's the 1972 prom but that can't be right...Philip and Tim wouldn't have been there. Must have been ours in 1974. It's of Tim Collier and Donna White (I think she was someone's little sister from another school), Jean Wright and Philip Gooch, and Amy Greer and Bobby Gautney.

Robbie did tell this a couple of weeks ago...and I don't even remember the fountain. But he says we had a fountain at our senior prom and after we spent two days setting it up with things around it, Coach Redding walked in and had a fit...said everyone was going to come in drinking and someone would fall in the fountain and ruin his new gym floor. So we had a huddle and someone told Grady Miller and two hours later there was a white picket fence around the fountain.

And not a living soul even got wet.

If you have pictures, scan them and send them to me or mail them to Amy Cruce, 46 Hanson, Killen AL 35645 and I'll scan them and mail them back to you. Stories are good, too, because I'm not joking about my lack of memory.

I do, however, know all the words to the Barney song.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Driving stories...

Since I don't remember this stuff I don't know why I'M the one writing it down, but every time I get off the phone from talking to Robbie I have laughed myself sick.

Driving Story #1...How did we get onto this? I have no idea, but according to Robbie one night he, Phillip Parker and Dennis Smith are riding with Philip Gooch in Philip G's mother's car. (Robbie, of course, told me the make, model and color of said car, but I don't remember what he said.)

ANYWAY. Gooch is driving like a maniac, or at least like a teenage boy..."determined to tear that car up" according to Robbie. Finally Dennis Smith realizes that he has a LOT to live for (stole that line from Ron White) and starts yelling, "Whoa, whoa, whoa," and makes them stop the car. He then starts looking for the seatbelts which, if you remember, always had to be dug out from down in the seats. He finds it, attaches himself to the car and they drive on. When they stop at wherever it was they stopped at, everyone gets out except Dennis who is stuck in the car. Turns out he had TIED the seatbelts together and he couldn't get the knots out.

Driving Story #2...Monica had...a Chrysler or something? Long, low white car. Or at least light colored. We were going down Tennessee Street into downtown Florence one day and she wasn't paying attention to her driving. Seems like someone was always yelling, "Pay attention!" or "Watch the road!". Just as we rounded the curve there at Florence Cemetery someone said something else to her and, I swear, I was in the back seat and I saw it...she took her hands off the wheel, turned around and crossed her arms on the back of her seat, rested her chin on her hands and stared at us. With the car still going forward.

Friday, April 16, 2004

Uncle Robbie wants YOU!

Robbie and Johnny at the ten-year.

The reservations are rolling in daily. Go on and send yours so we have an approximate head count...we figure about 80, give or take. Since we're going to order (steak or chicken, take your choice) I don't know if I have to give them a definite head count or not. Guess I better ask.

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

I'm not answering that!

(Shelaine is another of those people who remember stuff. I had to copy and paste this one because I'm laughing too hard to type...Amy)

Almost every time I open one of your posts I remember you remember the night we rolled yards?  We had made-up names for each other so no one would get in trouble and then...somone got in trouble! ME!  Someone chased us and rather than you calling me by my made-up name you were screaming "Shelaine! Shelaine!".  Now how many Shelaine's were there?  Especially that would have been out rolling yards in Rivermont by Robbie's house.

Another was when we were talking in class and Coach Day was going to paddle us. Well, you starting crying and got out of it. I got the licks. Mother had made me a leather skirt and I was wearing it.  Have you ever been paddled in leather?

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Outstanding in their fields ;)

That there's funny; I don't care who you are.

This is Philip, Kenny, Dennis, Robbie, Tony Hendon and Tony Wilson with his back to the camera. From the 20-year picnic.

Monday, April 12, 2004

Veronica...we share the same vice!

Name... Veronica Irene Allen   Place you live... Same property where I grew up but different house, at County Road 27 in St. Florian, with parents.   Married?... Never married, although I was asked a few times over the past 30 years, but revelations saved me.  It's not too late in life, if God wills it to be.   Kids?... No, never seriously considered having any children, although it would have been nice with a good husband. At this point, it will require a miracle to have one.   Grandkids?... No. But I have 3 beautiful nieces (ages 23, 10, and 6) and 2 handsome nephews (ages 12 and 11).   What did you do after high school?... Pursued pre-med curriculum at U. of Alabama at Tuscaloosa from August '74 until Dec. '76. Enjoyed campus life and student government, including being administrative assistant to the first Black SGA president at Alabama. In honor societies and on Dean's List a few times.   After that?... Came home and started working at IFDC while parents built house (we are living in it still). Work at IFDC included general analytical chemistry and wet-process phosphoric acid research on sub- and tropical indigeneous phosphate ores.  Decided to finish at UNA while working at IFDC. Graduated in May '83 in industrial chemistry. Began work at Reynolds Metals, first in reduction plant as analytical chemist, then at Alloys Plant as process lubrication chemist, as casthouse chemical anaylsis lab supervisor, then as plant quality engineer. The management decided to shrink the quality assurance department and I was given freedom from the industrial setting, RIF'd in '96. Then worked as cognitive learning therapist witih emphasis on math processes using manipulatives; also as office manager for home health agency. Began working at UNA in 1998 as administrative secretary in Housing and Residence Life, with a lot of emphasis on publications and management of housing database systems.  Have been accepted to grad school but not pursuinganything definite right now; courses in computer information systems, gerontology, and criminalistics have been interesting.   Strange or interesting things that have happened to you... I have had prophetic dreams since I was 14 years old, usually things that are about to happen in the lives of friends, family and myself. Sometimes it is years before the events occur. The dreams have continued over the years and have been truly revelatory.     Important things... The most importaint thing to me is loving the Lord Jesus Christ and living for Him. For the past ten years I have been actively involved at Christ Chapel, primarily in bookstore ministry, intercessory prayer, choir, and other ministry areas. Also, I have been an abstinence educator and volunteer with Shoals Sav-A-Life for about 10 years, making presentations at churches and schools, including Brooks High. My current job at UNA allows for good interaction with college students and opportunities to mentor them.    Hobbies, interests, vices... Presently I serve as treasurer of Shoals Chapter of IAAP (International Association of Administrative Professionals), which provides opportunities for certification. I continue to serve as trustee/secretary for Bailey Chapel Cemetery since its incorporation 10 years ago. This is my second and final year as chairman of the Student Affairs Professional Development Committee at UNA.   I enjoy reading, occasional sewing and cross stitching, crossword puzzles, sightseeing (just getting in the car and seeing where the road takes me), listening to music (preferably inspirational and praise/worship music), and family gatherings (dogs and goldfish included). I don't do as much adventure cooking as I did when I lived by myself, but I love experimenting with new dishes and new ways to prepare good food. For several years I did amateur photography at weddings for family and friends, but I sold my Nikon right before I sold my house a few years ago. I enjoy sandy beaches and the ocean and would like to take another cruise.   My major vice is my love of fresh-baked home-made bread with pure rich butter. A pastry chef could be my best friend! (Try Plugra when Sam's carries it or drive to Publix...Amy)

It means graduated and someone told HIM...and I'll tell! I'll tell!

Name: Tony Barber
Place you live: Somerville, AL
Married: Married 17years to the former Cynthia Allen
Kids: Sam 10yrs, Claire 7yrs
What did you do after high school? I matriculated. And, I found that I enjoyed it so much that I matriculated again in 1992
After that?..Found that there was no need for further matriculation.
Strange or interesting things that have happened to you: I made a promise to never tell.
Important things: See above
Hobbies, interests, vices: Guitars, water skiing, and see above.

Geneva Ann

Geneva Ann Stutts Cox 
Killen, Alabama

Married for 27 years to Terry Cox

One child, Courtney Ann Cox 23/Courtney had a very serious car accident on January 17, 2004. She was in UAB Hospital for 12 days and is still unable to walk but hopefully she will be able to soon. She had both arms broken, broken shoulder blade, broken ribs, head injury causing her brain to bleed, a broken leg and crushed ankle. She is improving daily but this has been a very tough year.   

I have worked at Elkins Funeral Home for eighteen years, I am the office manager. 
I meet all kinds of people at the very lowest point in their lives but I have learned how to appreciate life and how very fragile it is.

My hobby is drinking a cold margarita after work with my friends and living life to the fullest. I suppose the best thing that has happened to me is meeting Terry and falling in love with him. He is wonderful to me and has made my life complete. Our daughter Courtney is our greatest achievement.

Though not in the "IN CROWD" back then, I still have good memories and enjoy hearing what everybody is up to.

My philosophy of life is "Don't sweat the small stuff."  

Friday, April 9, 2004

Quit Moving Around and Just LINE UP

Oh my goodness...look at those tans. Remember when "sun damage" and "wrinkles" were for old people?

You're invited...

Invitations went out in today's mail. Check below for what you're invited to!

Thursday, April 8, 2004

Such SWEET little kids

Oh. My. Goodness.

If you know where any of these people are who haven't attended before, and you think they'd like to join us, feel free to give them a call! They just need to get in touch so we can send them an invitation...Robbie @ 757-4032 or

The Senior Trip bus ride

I don't think there's a whole lot to be said about these...they pretty much speak for themselves!

May 7 and 8

I don't know why this has a place for me to select a font and size when it just does what it wants to anyway.

As of TODAY we are planning a moonlight picnic down at my parent's branch for Friday, May 7. We'll do chickens on the grill and contact local people to bring sides, and everyone can bring drinks for his own family. Saturday, May 8, at Dale's we have a social hour starting at six and we'll order dinner at seven. We're trying to find some sort of favor...koozies, mugs or something. Cost will be $30 per person...that's dinner for two nights, whatever favor we come up with, and THE PLEASURE OF OUR COMPANY!

Directions to the branch...From Hwy 72, go south on Belview Road (county road 31), across from Outpost 72 (did y'all know that's Johnny Allen's baby sister's place?). Take the first right, which is county road 171. My parents live in the first house on the right in the curve. Pull SLOWLY into the driveway...we have kids and dogs all over the place. If you are in a truck or car, drive straight down the dirt road instead of curving right up the driveway. If you are driving a showroom Corvette or a 2004 Lexus SUV (this has happened), pull into the yard and call 710-1177 and someone with a more practical ride will come up and get you. If you don't have a cell phone, go into the house and call. We have a great place set up down there with tables and grills and it's beautiful at night. Several of us will be there all afternoon, so come early or late. It's negotiable.

In case of rain? It's not going to rain.

On my way to Robbie's...he's found pictures of you in first, second and third grades. You know the ones...everyone sitting at his desk with hands neatly folded on the desktop. I'll post them later. Unless AOL goes on vacation again.

Farrah Fawcett, eat your heart out

Name...    Vicky   (Harper)   Martin

Place you live...   Collinwood, TN.

Married?...   Yes

Kids?...   2 Boys

Grandkids?... Not as of Yet

What did you do after high school?...  Went to Work  and got Married ( Our 25th Wedding Anniversary is this year )

After that?... Stayed at Home for 8 years and raised 2 boys – Then I returned to work at the Wayne County Bank as a Loan Officer – I have been employed there 14 years

Strange or interesting things that have happened to you...  My oldest son went to Boys State in Cookeville, Tn. in 1999 and when we dropped him off, Rose Skipworth was there with her son!  That was the first time I had seen her since graduation. My oldest son went to college in Chicago, Illinois, graduated in 2003 and returned to Florence Alabama. He is the current Youth Pastor at Florence First Assembly.  My Baby is a sophomore at Collinwood High School and is a competitive Skate Boarder. 

Important things... My Oldest son just got married in January – I finally have the daughter I always wanted.

Hobbies, interests, vices... Sitting at the ball park and skate parks supporting my youngest son.   When I finish supporting my children’s hobbies maybe I can find one for myself! 

Oh, people, you were so cool...the Senior Trip

Thank you! Sherry Miller Nation...these are courtesy of her scrapbook. I, of course, missed the Senior Trip because I was in LOVE...guarantee you that won't ever happen again. Heavens, can you believe we were ever this YOUNG? Make sure you check these pictures out in the larger view...check out the sideburns! the skinny! the long hair!

Sherry also sent a current picture of her family and I'll add it to her earlier post.

It works!!

I hate technology when it doesn't do what it's supposed to. I THINK we're back online.



Monday, April 5, 2004

Look at that baby face!

The child doesn't look old enough to drive.

He says:

Danny Holder

Place you live...Still in Florence after all these years

Married?...Sally Hamm from Cherokee

Kids?...Son, Chad; daughter, Allison; stepson, Zach


What did you do after high school?...Kicked around for a little while and then decided I needed a real JOB.

After that?...Went to work selling insurance in 1977 and have been doing it ever since. FREY & HOLDER INSURANCE, 885 COX CREEK PKWY, FLORENCE, AL

Strange or interesting things that have happened to you...WORK A LITTLE, PLAY HARD!

Important things...I've been able to travel the world with different insurance companies picking up the tab.

Hobbies, interests, vices...Working and playing golf.


Thursday, April 1, 2004

Archiving these entries

This screen only shows so many entries, and then it saves them in archives. That's why you have to go to "Older Entries" to see most of the stuff. But someone just let me know that when you go to "Older Entries" now, it's switched over to April so you have to click on March to get most of them. Jeez. Just leave my stuff ALONE!

Need your memories...

...because mine are SHOT! I remember absolutely nothing about graduation, and that's a shame. I don't have the same screen on my computer you do, but somewhere here you have a place for comments. Go in and post some things so I can say, "Sure! I remember that!"


(Please keep in mind that one of the reasons my memory is so bad is that I am failing third grade math...40 years after the first time I didn't get it. Do YOU know what an "array" is? I didn't, and they didn't even send home an explanation. I had to send a note to the teacher! For ME!)

Where's Wanda?

I'm checking the address book and I don't have any information for Wanda Kilburn! Somebody do something!

There is mischief in those eyes!

I want to know what happened in the FOURTH one!

Freddy didn't send me a picture either!

Hi Amy,

Freddy Hice

I have lived at Shoals Creek in Killen for the past five years, and am married to Deborah McCullought from Central. I have three stepsons, Chris, 24, Kyle, 18 and Kevin, 11. No grandchildren.

I went to work as a crane operator and have been a member of Operating Engineers for the last 25 years. I've traveled throughout the United States working, in the earlier years. I am now working at Colbert Steam Plant on the barge unloaders.

My stepson, Chris, is a combat medic for the Army, in the 2nd Armored Division and has been in Baghdad for the past year. He's due back in Louisiana April 3 and we're looking forward to a 30-day leave at home in Alabama sometime around Easter.

My wife and I both have Harleys and spend our free time riding. My stepson, Kyle, has a sport bike and also rides with us sometimes.