Monday, April 26, 2004

The Weekend

The Friday night party at Trousdale Branch...

(I added two pictures after the first post...they're from Labor Day last year. One is Mike Frye in the swimming hole and the other is all of us at the waterfall...I think that's George McPeters standing on the right, Mike and Martha Frye are in there as is George's wife, Ann, and Robbie and Mary. It will be a little colder than that now!)

This is a shot from the branch last can only see a tiny bit of the other side of the water but it's gorgeous down there now. Friday, May 7 we are meeting at Trousdale Branch at my parent's (South on CR31/Belview Road across from Outpost 73. Right on CR 171. First house on the right, in the curve. Drive straight down the dirt road if you are in a regular car; stop in the yard and call 710-1177 if your vehicle has ever been featured in Car & Driver) at around six o'clock...some of us will be there all afternoon so just come whenever. Saturday night at Dale's, social hour starts at six and we have learned we NEED this so we can talk first and eat later.

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