Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Merry Christmas from the Burbanks

To all of our family and special friends, we wish you and yours a special Christmas Season and we pray that God return to you the blessing that all of you are to Debbie and I!  Each of you are so very special and each of you reveals to us the gracious love of our Savior, Jesus Christ, whom we celebrate this special time. 
We don't always take the time to say how much each of you means to us, and in this special season, we want to take this moment to give God thanks for you, our special family and friends!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Merry Christmas!

If you went back and said, "Okay. In all honesty, who are the two NICEST people out of this entire group?" you wouldn't have to hesitate. I KNOW we're all very nice people and do very nice things and think very nice thoughts, but when it comes down to it..........
It's that simple. The rest of us all have our strong points and could give the Wizard a run for his money as "Good Deed Doers"...wait. That was the Tin Man and his heart. Never mind.
ANYWAY. Angie's beautiful daughter and Mona's too handsome son got married. And are having a grandbaby for the two nicest people we know. Merry Christmas to them all.
Mary Anne was 50 last Friday, and to the best of my knowledge she's the last one to hit the big 5-0. Brenda and I were going to take her out to lunch, but then Brenda did her "thing" and went back to work for a couple of weeks to make some more money so that she and I can go to Huntsville and see Tony Barber and go to Trees and Things. Or Super Target. And my middle child got braces that day. So at some point in the next couple of weeks we're going to take Mary Anne to lunch. If you'd like to join us, let me know.
I love hearing from all of you...Kenny and Phillip Peck keep me in stitches. Actually, per the Aqua Vista Halloween Party, Kenny can be counted on for a lot of things. June and Linda H can be counted on to have the funniest emails before anyone else does, and Tony H and I sat through an entire soccer season with our FIVE YEAR OLDS this fall. I run into Shelaine in the STRANGEST in floating down the creek with a hat on,
Stuff goes around in circles here...Mitzi Hampel is living in Virgie's house. Kim Mitchell's son has put in a motorcycle shop at Dallas Direct (Virgie's old store). Mona and Angie are having a grandbaby. Phillip Peck calls on a dear friend of mine who has moved here with no family. Myra works at the grocery store everyone in town goes to, and Philip Gooch and Tony H take off to the mountains every spring. And how great were Sherry's pictures?
Merry Christmas to you all. I'll never forget Mary Anne telling me that she wanted her kids to have what all of us grew up with and take for granted. And if you've ever been to other places, then you know how special all of this bunch is.
Next spring. The Saturday of Mother's Day. At the branch. Write it down.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

A Note From Sherry

I wished that I could have joined you for the 50th birthday party. I stayed here to share Mother's day with my grandson Ethan. Jim took priority over the 30th reunion with his graduation and Ethan over the birthday party. I enjoyed all the pictures that was sent.

I would like you to meet my family through photos since I couldn't be there in person.We had our family photos made last Saturday and since they are on the web I thought I would share them with you. Please meet Michael, my husband for 3 years, his daughters (and my bonus daughters) MacKenzie and Morgan, my son Jim, his wife Deon and son Ethan, and my son Jonathan.

Log on to and you can enter my address:
Make sure you view all photos. Ethan's smile will make your day!! My favorites of the group are No. 5, 50 & 51.

Hopefully we can make it to the next reunion!

Friday, September 1, 2006

BHS Alumni site

Go to this site and register. Please

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Brenda's Birthday

I have pictures...I really do. They're just lost somewhere in "FileLand" in this computer and I can't make THIS place find THAT place. I'm working on it.

But it was lovely. Brenda, Mary Anne, Tony B and I went to Cypress Lakes and listened to Karen Gruber and talked until we were the only people left in the building. And then Brenda and I drove out to Central and talked some more.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Robert has made my day

 I have laughed myself silly over this. Can't you just SEE Robert sitting there, drinking cold coffee? And the thing is, can't these people see that we're just KIDS? Whose bodies are playing tricks on us?...Amy


hello amy ,
                         that was priceless. i too had a similar experience. one of my friends had told me senior coffee was cheaper and they always ordered it. so i was at a truck stop just outside of chicago one morning not being crowded i ordered one. in comes a bus load of teenagers headed for who knows where, and up comes my order ,and the girl yells out "one senior coffee", i had to wait till everyone left to walk over and pick up that cup of coffee.
since then i have never ordered another " senior coffee " i don't care if coffee goes to the price of gas. but just maybe if my children ever commit me to an old folks home, i may ask the nurse if she could bring me a "senior coffee" but please keep it quiet!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

This is not EVEN funny!

Okay, I was going to send y'all an email anyway, but then Dennis sent me this one and I have to share.
    This morning I dropped off one kid at bible school, another at golf, and then went to get myself a biscuit. I ordered a biscuit and a cup of coffee at Jack's. When I got to the window, the TWELVE-YEAR-OLD GIRL (she HAD to be!) behind the window said, "One country ham biscuit and one senior coffee?"
    I said yes. Didn't know what else to say.

Forwarded Message:
Date: 6/22/06 1:04:45 PM Central Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet (Details)
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Well, it's not a mid life crisis, but here's how things work.

Married 35-years, I took a look at my wife one day and said, "Honey, 35 years ago, we had a cheap apartment, a cheap car, slept on a sofa bed and watched a 10 inch black and white TV, but I got to sleep every night with a hot 25-year-old blond. Now, we have a nice house, nice car, big bed and plasma screen TV, but I'm sleeping with a 60 year old woman. It seems to me that you are not holding up your side of things."

My wife is a very reasonable woman. She told me to go out and find a hot 25-year-old blond, and she would make sure that I would once again be living in a cheap apartment, driving a cheap car, sleeping on a sofa bed....

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Picnic pictures

Well, I'll be. If you click on "My Albums" right down there, it takes you to the pictures. Cool.

If you're not getting the emails, we had a good time. We love June's grandson. We love Kenny. We'll do this again next year.

AOL Pictures - My Albums

Friday, May 12, 2006

They ought to let me email this site

I just spend an hour in WalMart looking for three things...they moved the salt twice while I was there.
    HOWEVER. We are in business. We have chickens and Boston Butts and beans. A loaf of white bread. Paper plates, paper towels and charcoal. Stuff. I shanghaied some help with the fire in the morning so if there's any justice, we can put the chickens on at noon. It may be a little cool so bring extra clothes. We usually build a fire, anyway. (Luckily, a tree blew down in Melanie's yard a couple of years ago and when no one helped her move it, she and I took an electric chainsaw and cut up most of it. The logs are between six inches and three feet long, but we cut up that tree. Turned out to be...pig iron hickory? Some sort of championship barbecuing wood and we're burning it for heat. Oh, well.)
    Bring ice.
    White sauce. I forgot to get Jo Lynn to make white sauce. Can someone make or bring some?
    Directions again...From Florence on Hwy 72, take the first right past Brooks High School (CR31). Take the first right off CR31 (I don't think there's a sign). First house on the right. Follow the dirt road down to the branch. If you are in a smallish car and don't want to drive down there, call 710-1177 and someone will come up and get you. Coach Smith if you'd like. I forgot.
    Everybody else...if there's someone you know we haven't contacted, feel free to call them.
    Off to spray for bugs. And poison ivy. See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

It's Party Time!

Saturday, May 13, we're having a birthday party. For ourselves. Happy 50th Birthday! Call Robbie at 757-4032 if you need information.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Whose day is it? keep up with what I'M supposed to be doing? I thought I had to post to this every six months to keep it active, but apparently they've given us a grace period because it's been SEVEN months since I did anything.

I hate it when that happens.