Monday, March 29, 2004

JC Lovelace...To Beard or Not to Beard?

I was checking the reunion pictures and it looks like JC was there for the ten-year, with a full beard, and totally absent for the 20th. (The 10-year picture is in "Older Entries.") I think we shall request a George Clooney look for the 30th.

Here's what he has to say:

Hey, guys and gals. Great to hear from you. Sorry I have waited so long to reply, here are the answers to your questions.

Place I live...Greenhill

Married...Yes, happily for 29 years.

Kids...We have two...Brandon who is 23 and Jessica who is 21.

Grandkids...Not yet but there is always hope.

After school...Went to work and have been working ever since. I worked at Nafco for three years then went to work for Vulcan Materials and have been there for almost 27 years. I have been a plant supervisor for the past 14 years.

Strange or interesting things...Not much, just the normal everyday stuff.

Important things...My family and friends.


Just to let you know, we plan to attend and the buffet is fine with us.

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